MMC 1984 Batch

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If you have any photos that we can publish please send them to me. I will upload them.
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25th Year Silver Jubilee Celebrations! August 2009

2009 Silver Jubilee Celebrations!.jpg

Click on the photo above to see more photos and videos taken during the family meet. 96 alumni and their families (out of 101 registrations) attended our 25th year Silver Jubilee Celebrations!
First family meet - August 2007


The first family meeting of our batch was held at Green Meadows Resort, Chennai on 12th August 2007. It was a full day out-door program from 9 AM to 6 PM. Most of our friends came with their spouses and children. Family photos, magic show, tatooing, mehendi, swimming, water slide, rain (artificial) dance, cricket, volleyball etc. and various games for kids and adults made it a memorable day!
You can find many of the photographs taken on that day at the link below.

2007 family meet photos



20th Year meeting – September 3rd 2004

46 of us meet 20 years to the day after joining MBBS

20 Years to the day after we joined MBBS, on 3rd September 2004, we had a reunion of our batch at the hallowed MMC campus. Later a group of 46 students met over dinner to relive our college days. It was definitely Another Day In Paradise! Be there for our next meet.

The MMC Post-centenary Golden Jubilee Commemorative Pillar towering behind us

In front of the Seminar hall

The Redfort (Anatomy block) as a backdrop

Reliving the old times at the Residency Towers, Chennai

Everybody got a chance to explain their activities.....

murugan-web-img_0930.jpg an audience that relived their ragging days!

The singing actually started much later!


Sorry for sitting upfront like a pit bull; it was a difficult job shepherding everybody for a group photograph and then handing over the camera to the photographer; Oops a few heads chopped off and a few missing!


Most are in and the head count at this point looks like 43; 3 others were still inside the hall or joined even later; that makes it 46!

The family get-together planned for 04 & 05.Sep.2004 did not take off. So.....

Click on the link below to see several old and current photos.

Be there at our next reunion

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MMC 1984 Batch
Madras Medical College
Chennai India